Tēnā koutou Katoa

The Tertiary Education Commission, Careers Investment and Insight team have become Country
contacts for the OECD Observatory for Digital Technologies in Career Guidance for Youth (ODiCY)
which has been developed within the OECD Career Readiness project Career Readiness - OECD. We
have been asked to provide case studies and information of examples of using technology when
delivering career guidance to under 18 year olds.

The purpose of ODiCY is to gather and share how digital technologies can enhance the
effectiveness, efficiency and/or equity with which career guidance is delivered. While use of
technologies in many forms have grown over recent years, very little has been evaluated on the use
and impact of technologies when delivering careers guidance to young people.

ODiCY will allow users to compare how people in different countries are using new technologies in
different ways, enabling developers and users to become more informed consumers of digital
resources and supporting a more critical and strategic approach to their development. The focus is
on provision aimed at young people under the age of 18

We are currently looking at creating a careers forum or similar where we will be able to share
information such as the OECD projects when they come available.

If you or your organisation are currently working with under 18 year olds and using technologies to
support career guidance, and interested in providing information on current practices in
Aotearoa/New Zealand, then please fill out the attached form and send to  Juli.paurini@tec.govt.nz 
or contact Juli Paurini P:04 474 5675  to find out more

ODiCY Case Study Submission Form.docx

PLEASE NOTE: If it is a good example of practice that deals with guidance for youth, and that the wider international community can learn from, please feel free to submit it. We would be very interested regardless of student status.

DEADLINE 13th of Feb 2023